Stop motion experiment

This is my narrative experiment, I took a series of photos using the pens. With each photo I change the position of a pen. I took around 135 photos to create this, I first had to take the photos into photoshop and increased the saturation to make the background less blue looking and then I converted the raw files into jpegs so I could then put the photos into premiere pro to create this sequence. I think this works well and the video appears smooth flowing. To improve this I think I could have taken more photos to lengthen the video.

I like the overall look and appearance of how my narrative experiment turn out, I tried different ways of moving the pens in different positions and using all the objects I had. I even tried to experiment with spelling out a word letter by letter such as, colour. Which, in my eyes didn't turn out as well as I had hoped due to their straightness. I think maybe I should have extended the sequence by putting the pens into colour order I think this would have been quite interesting.

I set the camera up on a tripod and set the camera up using the ISO of 12800, aperture of f11 and shutter speed of 1/125. I used all the same settings so that the exposure stayed the same throughout the experiment.
From this I learnt just how many photos it take to create a stop motion animation. I also learnt how much time it take it take to create a full stop motion movie such as, Wallace and Gromit. Considering if you make a mistake you have to start from the beginning.


  1. personally, I would prefer this as a final outcome as its bright, punchy and good quality


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