Final outcome
This is my final outcome, I decided to recreate and improve my time-lapse with ice. I think this one worked a lot better then my first one. I perfer this one as I feel the timing is a lot better then the one I did before.
I used squash to colour the water to make it stand out more compared to using water.
I took a photo every minute for an hour using the shutter speed 1/400, a aperture of f5.6 and an ISO of 6400. This time I didn't use a light, I used the natural light to try and reduce the flickering light. However, the lighting does change through out this time-lapse, but it is less dramatic then my first one. I set the camera up on a tripod and used a remote to prevent the camera shake.
I think it could be better if there was less reflection change on the side of the bowl and on the side of the frame. I do think this is a better timeline then my first as the ice it a lot smoother with the change as the ice melts.
From this I learnt how difficult it is to keep the conditions the exact same, even for a short period of time like the hour. Also how this change can not seem like a big change while they are in singular frames. It isn't until you put them together the change becomes more obvious.
Whilst putting these photos together I cropped all of them and increased the contrast and clarity, I did this to make all of them appear the same. If I only cropped one image it would appear that the camera moved.
I still think this is a little too fast, slow down the timeline. Good insight into changing light conditions. They felt the same as you shot this, but actually they still changed, eg shadow across the bowl.