after effect

I think this is my better after effect final image, I experimented using another image. However, the quality of the image was poor so it didn't work as well. I like the appearance of this image and I think it worked well. 
I put the shard and the plane on different layers
I imported the different layers into after effect
I set the sky to move across the sky
I then set the plane to move across in front of the sun

I then imported the shard and made it move slowly.

This is another experiment I did, where I learnt that the quality of the image is very important. The quality of this image wasn't very good, so the quality of this moving image isn't very good. I think if I was going to re-experiment with this technique I would make sure all of the images are raw files. However, I do like the idea of the car driving down the road and I think the scale of the car looks realistic to its size in real life when it gets smaller by perspective as it travels further away. 
From these I learnt how difficult it can be to get the exact timing and scale to work on the photo, as without this looking realistic the whole photo doesn't work. Personally I didn't like using this process and I don't like the final appearance of how these style of photos look . I don't think they look realistic as if you videoed a plane moving behind the shard or a car driving down the road. I don't think I will use this as final outcome as I don't like the effect it gives. 


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